

Get Onsite Installation Service Nationwide with CE维修

June 28, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

CE维修, a leading provider of quality drive-thru part repairs for more than 50 years, is known for providing installation and field services in the greater St. 路易斯,密苏里地区. What you may not know is that we provide installation services for system sales nationwide.


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 汽车餐厅设备维修 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 在线用户手册

How to Keep Good Employees From Flying the Coop

June 21, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

With the drive-thru industry continue to experience labor shortages, it’s just as important to retain experienced employees as it is to hire new ones. The key is to let employees know you want them to stay with your team.


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 汽车餐厅的员工 · 一下部分 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 外卖保修 · 设备维修

Optimize Drive-Thru Kitchen Efficiency With AI

June 14, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly catching on in the drive-thru industry, primarily for streamlining the customer order process and gathering customer data to create a more personalized drive-thru experience. 然而,还有更多的事情要做.


标签: 客户服务 · 汽车餐厅的效率 · 汽车餐厅设备维修 · 那里维修 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略

Build Your Drive-Thru Brand With Sustainable Practices

June 07, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

拥有强大的, well-respected brand is a key factor in attracting repeat customers for any business. 在汽车餐厅, reducing your restaurant’s carbon footprint and using sustainable practices will enhance your brand’s reputation with a large segment of drive-thru customers. The following practices will catch the attention of people who care about the environment:


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 免下车系统维修 · 设备维修 · 保护计划


May 24, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

Is the frequent need for drive-thru part repairs a downer for your drive-thru operations? If so, consider signing up for a CE维修’ 免下车保护计划.  The plan offers essentially unlimited repairs for one low monthly payment. And if you sign up now your first month is free!


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 那里维修 · 一下部分 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 一下系统 · 设备维修 · 保护计划

The Safe Way to Keep Your HME 耳机 Clean and Sanitized

May 17, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

Today’s drive-thru headsets are built to last. They last even longer when you provide proper maintenance on a regular basis. Here’s how to keep them clean and sanitized without damaging the unit.


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 汽车餐厅的员工 · 汽车餐厅设备维修 · 免下车耳机维修 · 那里维修 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 外卖保修

How to Make a Good First Impression With Drive-Thru Customers

May 10, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

First impressions are important to new drive-thru customers. Otherwise they might not return if their first experience isn’t a good one. Here are five ways to deliver a positive first experience to your guests:


标签: 客户服务 · 一下部分 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 开车技术


May 03, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

Don’t have room to add an additional lane for your drive-thru? Try maximizing the available space with tandem lanes. 它们使用两个顺序点, 两个订单员, and two pickup windows all in one lane so two cars can follow the same path when ordering and picking up their meals. 这种独特布局的好处包括:


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 一下部分 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 外卖保修 · 设备维修

Move Cars Faster with a Line Busting Team

April 26, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

Putting a line buster in the lane during busy dayparts has been around a long time. But with increasingly higher car counts in most drive-thrus, one line buster may not be enough. Try these for tips for keeping the cars moving smoothly through your lane.


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 汽车餐厅的员工 · 汽车餐厅的设备 · 汽车餐厅设备维修 · 一下部分 · 免下车修理 · 一下系统 · 移动命令

Three Ways to Reduce Traffic Jams in the Drive-Thru

April 19, 2024 · By CE - drive-thru repairs ·

These days, drive-thru queues seem more crowded than ever. 是的, 有很多车在排队, but the traffic often gets more congested due to poor lane design, 一小部分, and customers who aren’t sure how to navigate the drive-thru process. Here are three tips for cutting down on the congestion:


标签: 汽车餐厅的效率 · 那里维修 · 外卖的策略 · 外卖保修 · 设备修理